
Application for infoShare 2019 Startup Contest is open. Prize pool for the best startups increased to 30 000 EUR

The infoShare Startup Contest application process has been opened, inviting startups worldwide to entry. The prize sum has risen to EUR 30 000 in cash. The top applicants will attend infoShare in May to pitch to investors, VCs and corporate representatives. Final will take place in Gdansk, Poland. 

17.10.2018, added by Paulina Bochenek-Styrylska

The infoShare Startup Contest application process has been opened, inviting startups worldwide to entry. The prize sum has risen to EUR 30 000 in cash. The top applicants will attend infoShare in May to pitch to investors, VCs and corporate representatives. Final will take place in Gdansk, Poland. 

Best startups on Startup Stage

The contest application process started on October 15th and it finishes on February 28th. The jury will then evaluate the projects, with the main selection criteria being Team, Innovation and the project’s Business Potential. The top 20 contestants will pitch on Startup Stage at infoShare 2019, getting a chance to present their product and fight for the final prize. The winner will be announced on the second day of the conference. 

The award rules have changed this year. There is a prize for each of the top three contestants. The winning prize is EUR 20 000, the second and third place get EUR 7000 and EUR 3000 respectively. The awards are funded by the President of Gdańsk. 

Startup Contest – a chance for startups worldwide 

Originating form 45 different countries, a total of 493 startups in their early business phases applied for Startup Contest last year. Most projects represented the Health & MedTech & Wellbeing sectors. The applications were evaluated by 21 jury members, including Seth Bannon from Fifty Years, Peter Cowley from EBAN and Jess Williamson from TechStars.

The winner of the competition was ThinAir Water, a UK-based project sourcing water from the atmosphere and purifying it for human consumption. The other top four finalists were Afforest for Future, Biolumo, FinAi and Magentiq Eye.

Registration for the contest is available at www.infoshare.pl.

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