Speakers list agenda

When truth clashes with reality – GitOps applications in banking

14:50 - 15:30, 14th of October (Thursday) 2021/ ADVANCED DEV STAGE

We have all been there, just when you least expect it and at the most inconvenient time, your card payment gets declined even when you know you have the money. Unfortunately, sometimes even the tiniest misconfigurations backend enabling systems may cause days like Black Friday, Cyber Monday or late shopping on Christmas Eve to turn into a whole new level of hell.
In the talk, I will go through three aspects of incremental change that we use in Nordea to boost our DevOps culture:

  • People- minimizing the effect of poor hygiene in the documentation process.
  • Process- having best practices empowering users (shift to the left) together with built in safety gateways to validate changes.
  • Technology- using native self-healing capabilities that neutralize human impact on a running service to remove the pain of misconfiguration in multitenant Kubernetes environments- that is when truth clashes with reality.
DevOps ITarchitecture SoftwareEngineering SoftwareEngineering