Speakers list agenda

What is Web3 good for?

10:20 - 10:40, 7th of October (Friday) 2022/ INSPIRE STAGE

Crypto and Web3. What comes to mind? Price swings? Scams? Ponzi schemes? Pump-and-dumps? Unfulfilled promisses? 

It is fair to be sceptical about Web3. Yet thousands of great minds dedicated their careers to working in Web3. Why? What promise does Web3 bring to the world and what's behind the hype?

Based on my work with more than 500 Web3 projects, including Opera Browser, Brave Browser, GameStop, Metamask and many others, I'll tell you what I learned and why I remain optimistic about crypto and what fundamental, meaningful change I think it can bring in the coming years. 

FutureNow Web3