Speakers list agenda

Using ES6 Modules today [EN]

12:30 - 13:00, 11th of June (Thursday) 2015/ TECH STAGE

The next big release of JavaScript, ES6, will be coming to browsers near you very soon, and as developers it's important to stay ahead of the curve.
Traditionally modules in JS have been difficult - we've fantastic, but complex, solutions like Browserify or RequireJS - but ES6 brings its own module system that is fantastic to work with.
Thankfully though, you don't have to wait to start using it today.Using [SystemJS](https://github.com/systemjs/systemjs), we can use ES6 modules today and bundle them all together in production too, so it will work in all relatively modern browsers.
In this talk I will explain:
- how ES6 modules work and why you should embrace them
- how to use SystemJS to use them today
- how SystemJS works
- how to bundle all your modules into one when deploying.