Speakers list agenda

Sell sell and sell: the key factor for innovation

16:05 - 16:20, 7th of September (Monday) 2020/ 1ST QUARTERFINAL

Some people become an entrepreneur because is trendy, some others because it is part of their gene, others just by coincidence. No matter what is the reason why you are an entrepreneur, there is only one key for success: to sell!

During almost seven years I have been working with my startup along with the world. I lived in Argentina, Australia, Chile, and Poland. I met great entrepreneurs with great ideas, some of them failed, some of them succeed. I met entrepreneurs with common ideas or even really bad ones, some of them succeed and some of them fail. No matter what are you doing there is only one way to succeed. To sell! Sell, sell and sell.

You could be lucky and charming and close some deals, but if the product is not good, you are condemned to failure.  If you do not do something useful for another person, they are not going to use it. So they are not going to pay for it.

In my presentation I will give some recommendation for entrepreneurs and investors, I will talk about innovation (and why innovation is not about technology and people). I will make examples of innovation with large enterprises and governments, thinking out of the box, and living as an entrepreneur.


Growth Sales

Sebastian Cerone

LESS Industries