Speakers list agenda

Quantum computing — is it real or just hype?

14:05 - 14:45, 6th of October (Thursday) 2022/ ADVANCED DEV BLUE

Imagine you had a computer that could do two calculations at the same time but not like a multicore processor. Quantum computing is one of the most exciting developments happening in the field of computing right now. We can see a lot of promises. It will allow us to work with bigger sets of data, achieve better quality, and get results faster. Is it real? Can we already use this technology? Or maybe this is just hype? 
During the session, I will give you an introduction to this technology. You will learn where and when it can be beneficial for you and your organisation. In addition, you will see how you can start using it and what skills are needed to develop your quantum application. 
I promise that together we will run our first application on a real quantum computer. 
Finally, we will try to answer the main question — is it real or just hype? 

Basic Advanced Expert
AI FutureTrends ML

Michał Jankowski
