Speakers list agenda

Practices in continuous integration of SPA development process with Atman Cloud services and Bitbucket version control systems.

13:00 - 13:30, 8th of May (Wednesday) 2019/ DataTech
for Conference Passes+ only

Creating even the smallest project becomes much, much easier and more enjoyable when Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) techniques are implemented in the development process. Such mechanisms allow for more efficient work, faster delivery of the high quality product to the customer through partial or complete automation of code development and deployment. During the presentation, an example of the CI/CD process of the SPA app will be presented. The entire process is based on the combination of efficient and high quality cloud computing services provided by Atman with the version control (git) and CI/CD mechanisms provided by Bitbucket from Atlassian.

DevOps Cloud CI/CD DataTech Tech

Grzegorz Madajczak

IDE- Grzegorz Madajczak