Stefan Widomski
ex SVP of Nokia
Mr. Stefan S. Widomski served as a Senior Vice President of International Trade Affairs at Nokia Corp. Mr. Widomski was responsible for Nokia's East-West trade relations and business operations in Central and Eastern European countries, Russian Federation and CIS included. M. Widomski has exceptionally distinguished professional career in the Finnish industrial history. Having served major part of his career in Nokia, he was one of key players to led it to a great success. His extensive network in Russia is beyond compare ranging from top politicians on city and state level to top business managers. After retiring, Mr. Widomski is still active in advising Finnish and international companies in their international business and regularly acts as a Guest Speaker in international seminars on international trade, cultural issues and related topics. Mr. Widomski serves as the Chairman of Business Game Factory Ltd. He serves as a Member of Advisory Board at Essedel Oy. Mr. Widomski served as an Independent Director of Eastern European Trust PLC from May 16, 1997 to June 15, 2007. He served as a Director of East European Trust Plc. He served as the Chairman of the Finnish-Russian Chamber of Commerce for six years. Mr. Widomski is fluent in Polish, Russian, Finnish, English, and German.
Past Presentations
Jutro zaczyna się dziś! Innowacyjność młodych w Inteligentnych Specjalizacjach Pomorza [PL] / Tomorrow begins today! Young people innovation in Pomorskie Smart Specializations [EN translation available]
14:00 - 14:30, 11th of June (Thursday) 2015/ MAIN STAGE