Speakers list agenda

No Office - work is not a place to go, it’s a thing that you do - how to build your company without building your office.

09:50 - 10:10, 23rd of May (Wednesday) 2018/ INSPIRE STAGE

The point of the presentation is to talk about all the practical aspects of running an all-remote company and why it might not make sense to rent an office space for your company/startup and why by working all-remote you can have a better team:

  • how you can make your team feel more connected... even though they don’t share the same physical space
  • how to run meetings, how to run projects, how to get stuff done together in a “no office” team
  • when meeting in person matters and when it really doesn’t - how to build a company based on trust and not just control
  • why when you’re together you’re wasting time and having only an illusion of control - how to structure communication in your team
  • why a physical office can be an additional tool for your team/company but is not a requirement - why you can hire from anywhere and how it benefits you
  • why you can save money on rent and save time on commute

+ lots of practical tips of running an all remote team from a founder of Nozbe, who’s been doing this for the last 11 years + more tips from other companies who’re doing it as well (Automattic, Buffer, MySQL, etc.)

The talk will be very practical with lots of tips and tricks - it will also challenge the audience’s assumptions of the importance of a physical office - the common misconceptions of why “we really need an office”.

Inspire Business