Speakers list agenda

How to predict the future of marketing & communications

13:50 - 14:20, 23rd of May (Wednesday) 2018/ INSPIRE STAGE

The companies that are best at adopting new innovations employ systems that help them understand and predict which technologies will win out. How do they do it? Being data-driven is of paramount importance, as is being aware of your own biases. Testing hypotheses and refusing to bow to any dogmatic beliefs are two other traits that winning firms tend to emphasize.

After this talk, you’ll be able to:

  • Make better predictions – and make your company more money in the process
  • Predict which technologies will help you leapfrog the competition
  • Better understand how to conduct winning experiments and research
  • Break down marketing problems into their component parts
  • Avoid skew & bias in all your predictions
Marketing Growth Trends

Jeremy Goldman

Firebrand Group