Speakers list agenda

Finding and Fixing Web Performance Problems [EN]

14:00 - 17:00, 11th of June (Thursday) 2015/ WORKSHOP STAGE #2

In this workshop we'll review some best practices and tools for building high performance web sites and HTML-based applications, then dive into debugging specific web sites that demonstrate common problems. We'll be using online tools such as WebPageTest and the developer tools built into popular browsers. Bring a laptop so we can work on the sites that you know the best.

Workshop led by Dave Methvin - President of the jQuery Foundation, a project lead on jQuery's core library, and an independent consultant focused on improving the performance of the Web. He's been using web technologies since 1996 and contributing to jQuery since 2006. For the release of jQuery 1.7 he was involved in a major refactor of the event system, and he became lead developer of jQuery core in 2011.

Dave Methvin

jQuery Foundation