Speakers list agenda

Docker monitoring

09:45 - 13:45, 17th of May (Wednesday) 2017/ WORKSHOP STAGE #4

Workshop description: Cloud computing and containerized environment changed how we manage, write and deploy our applications. Monitoring is also something that changed and needs to support a more dynamic and flexible environment, and handle different kind of requests and output. Monitoring also needs to be more proactive and in some way it needs to be smart enough to help us to manage our applications and our infrastructures. During this workshop we are going to use the TICK stack composed by the open source projects: Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf and Kapacitor to setup an end to end monitoring system for an application running inside docker containers.

Experience required: The attendees need to have a good knowledge about how Docker works. Experience on Linux.

Environment: Bring your own laptop with Docker environment setuped on Linux or in other environment via Docker Machine (https://github.com/docker/machine). 

Price: 250 PLN + VAT


Gianluca Arbezzano

Docker Captain, InfluxData