Speakers list agenda

Current Buzzwords With Java EE With Reasonable Best Practices

13:45 - 17:15, 17th of May (Wednesday) 2017/ WORKSHOP STAGE #1

Workshop description: Microservices, Cloud Native, DevOps (...) and Serverless in a slideless workshop. In this workshop I will build, test, run on Docker, push to the clouds and apply microservice patterns and common sense best practices with Java EE 7. No slides, no dependencies, just code. Your challenging questions are highly welcome! #slideless

What you will learn: Extreme productivity with Java EE.

Experience required: Experience with Java programming language.

Environment: Java 8, Maven, Docker and IDE of your choice. I will use NetBeans 8.X "Java EE" Edition.

Price: 180 PLN + VAT


Adam Bien
