Speakers list agenda

Academic Spin-offs: How to make a 20 mil USD business in 18 months and become global?

12:10 - 12:30, 6th of October (Thursday) 2022/ ARENA STAGE

Universities are an incredible reservoir of ideas and innovations. We present a story of a Czech academic spin-off in the biomedical field, which generated $20 million in sales with EBIDTA of 40% in the first 18 months of operation, opened an office in the United States, made its first major acquisition, and is heading worldwide with its products in partnership with global players.

This inspiring story, which originated at Charles University in Prague, one of Europe's oldest universities, is becoming an example of technology transfer and bridging academia and business.

The business model completely breaks out of the established rules of start-ups and with its unprecedented aggressiveness creates a storm not only in Central and Eastern Europe, but also in the field among major global players.

Startup / VC BizDev

Michal Pohludka

GeneSpector Innovations