Speakers list agenda

147 Skills You Need To Build An Online Conversion Funnel

12:40 - 13:00, 22nd of May (Tuesday) 2018/ MARKETING STAGE
for Conference Passes+ only

An Online Conversion Funnel is a user journey from the moment they are first introduced to your brand until the moment they become your client/customer.

To build an Online Conversion Funnel you need to combine numerous digital marketing and digital sales tools and techniques and make them all work in synchronicity to achieve a common goal — acquire a new client for your business.



So if your goal is to acquire a client (not just build awareness or increase traffic on your website) – you need an Online Conversion Funnel. It’s just that there is no time and money for scattered digital marketing actions.




At the beginning of my career as a digital marketer I thought that digital marketing and sales strategy was all about designing THE perfect Online Conversion Funnel…



Now I know that there is more to it. The real challenge is how to build a team of specialists who can not only design good concepts, but also implement them quickly, optimise and pivot if needed.



During my presentation I will touch upon:


  • How most Online Conversion Funnels actually look like

  • How to build, optimise and maintain an online sales funnel properly

  • And finally what kind of specialists and with what kind of skills are needed in order to design and implement an online sales funnel


Ewa Wysocka
