Unforgettable lessons I learned from talking to over 200 successful people

13:00 - 13:20, 24th of May (Wednesday) 2023/ INSPIRE STAGE

Can you design your life? Yes and no. There is more than one way to live your life and run a business. Although this may seem a rather obvious statement, for a long time, I was unaware of the diversity of scenarios that can play out in one lifetime. 

This changed when I started my Zaprojektuj Swoje Życie podcast.

During the past 4 years, I had the pleasure of talking to over 200 amazing people. Entrepreneurs, travelers, athletes, and very inspiring humans. 

These conversations broadened my horizons and gave me insight into the variation of possibilities, challenges, and perspectives that are a part of our short but truly impactful lifetime. 

Join me as I share meaningful and timeless insights on life, career, relationships, health, and money that I gathered from my amazing and inspiring podcast guests.  The number one lesson might surprise you.

Growth Leadership

Maciej Filipkowski

Audycja Zaprojektuj Swoje Życie