The future of education and work

11:00 - 11:20, 15th of October (Friday) 2021/ ARENA STAGE

The future of work is determined by the present of education. In this speech, which derives from Tano Lopez (me) famous TED talk "The future of education and work", Tano addresses the issues that conform the present of education and how it has to change in order to give answers to what the market of future of work desires. How will workers adapt to a changing world? will talent stick to a company or thrive through projects and products? is there space for loyalty in the workspace or will flexibility rule in the new order? what kind of talents and abilities do humans have that machines will never substitute? is there a resurrection of philosophy, psychology and other arts that will apply directly to technology? 

BizDev Management FutureOfWork

Tano Lopez

Caira Education