Resilient Tech Ecosystem in Ukraine - From Challenges to Breakthroughs

15:40 - 16:00, 25th of May (Thursday) 2023/ INSPIRE STAGE

Ukraine's tech ecosystem has undergone significant challenges in recent year. However, the country's tech industry has proven to be remarkably resilient, emerging stronger and more vibrant than ever before. In this speech, the CEO of a Ukrainian startup fund will share insights and experiences on how the tech ecosystem in Ukraine has overcome challenges and achieved breakthroughs, becoming a driving force in the region.
The speech will highlight the remarkable success of Ukrainian startups, showcasing the impressive achievements of some of the country's most successful companies. Attendees will learn about the innovative solutions that Ukrainian startups have developed, and how these companies have successfully navigated the challenges of the country's tech ecosystem.
In addition, the speech will present the ecosystem in numbers, providing attendees with an overview of the state of the Ukrainian tech industry. This will include data on the number of startups and key players in the industry.
Attendees of Infoshare 2023 can expect to gain valuable insights into how a resilient tech ecosystem can thrive against the odds and emerge as a powerful force in the global tech landscape, and learn how they can contribute to the growth of Ukraine's tech industry.

Growth Leadership Startup / VC

Ihor Markevych

Ukrainian startup fund