New Adventures in Front-End 2021

13:40 - 14:10, 14th of October (Thursday) 2021/ DEVTRENDS STAGE

With HTTP/3 + QUIC, Service Workers, Micro Front-Ends, JAM Stack, PWA, TypeScript, Web Assembly, AVIF, Variable Fonts, CSS Custom Properties and clamp(), Client Hints and Resource Hints, CSS Subgrid and SVG2, we all are still trying to figure out just the right strategy for building websites and apps efficiently. We want to use all of these technologies and smart processes, but how can we use them efficiently, and how do we achieve that within a reasonable amount of time?

We’ll look into the state of front-end and see new technologies and developments that will leave a mark for years to come. We’ll dive into into accessibility, front-end optimization, and improving Core Web Vitals along with performance bottlenecks. You'll leave with a few ideas and a toolbox for your next project.

FrontEnd ITarchitecture WebDev

Vitaly Friedman

Smashing Magazine