My 25 Laws of Test Driven Development


13:40 - 14:20, 22nd of May (Wednesday) 2024 / DEV CODE STAGE

About 15 years ago, I got inspired by the practice of Test Driven Development. Now, with many years of great and not-so-great experiences practicing Test Driven Development, I thought it is the time to capture my own “laws”. The term "law" is obviously an exaggeration and "principles or heuristics" cover my intend much better. Either way, I want to talk about the scope of testing, using the observable behavior, naming conventions, state-based vs interaction-based testing, the impact of DRY, patterns to build useful test objects and some of the libraries and tools I use. In short, everything I try to follow every day I write, review or maintain code.

Basic Advanced Expert
Software Architecture Tests
Backend Front-end ITarchitecture SoftwareEngineering

Dennis Doomen

Aviva Solutions (NL)