Move fast, build things… safely!


10:50 - 11:30, 23rd of May (Thursday) 2024 / DEV ARCHITECTURE STAGE

The demand for speed and innovation is everywhere. However, that enthusiasm sometimes creates conflict when it butts up against security, resiliency and reliability concerns. In some cases, the dogged hunt to increase velocity can introduce new challenges and risks (e.g., skipped process gates, insufficient testing…).
On the other hand, Formula 1 is one of the fastest and dangerous motorsports in the world. However, the safety of the drivers come always first with many regulations and checks to ensure it.
In this talk, we are going to discuss different principles followed in Formula 1 and what lessons we can learn from and adopt in the way we design, architect, ship and secure our systems.

Basic Advanced Expert
Cybersecurity Software Architecture
Backend Cybersecurity DevOps ITarchitecture