Metaverse - buzzword or the future?


12:45 - 13:05, 7th of October (Friday) 2022 / INSPIRE STAGE

The undeniable buzzword awards winner of 2022 is “metaverse”. So let’s get back to basics and talk about what really is the metaverse vision, what needs to happen to make it a reality, and why it will happen. And especially: why should you care. SPOILER: metaverse is not about NFTs, Web3, Roblox and Decentraland. 

We will cover: 
- why metaverse is closer than you think 
- what societal changes allow us to make it a real vision
- what will metaverse (probably) look like in 5, 15 and 30 years
- what are the threats and opportunities in it 
- what should you be doing about it 

Web3 Metaverse

Wiktoria Wójcik

inStreamly; Forbes 30u30 Europe 2022