Jak przyspieszyć drogę do sukcesu: Budowa miliardowego biznesu na platformie Serverless, wspomaganej przez Global Edge Network (globalną sieć brzegową)

15:00 - 15:20, 25th of May (Thursday) 2023/ INSPIRE STAGE

With the high demand for a rich user experience and complex applications, which need to be available hundreds of locations for millions of customers, traditional means of hosting software don't quite work. Serverless computing on the network edge is the next major paradigm in IT architecture to help satisfy customer demand.

Join Cloudflare's Polish Customer lead, Patryk Jozwik and SurferSEO's CEO, Lucjan Susk to learn about how SurferSEO is putting the world's largest edge networks and serverless platform to use in scaling their business. You will learn how you can ensure a safe and secure environment for developing lightning fast speed through the lense of a real life use-case.

Business & Tech trends Growth

Patryk Jozwik
