How to restructure a company into a remote one?

13:30 - 13:50, 7th of October (Friday) 2022/ ARENA STAGE

In march 2020 i lost 22% of my clients in a month and decided that we have to leave the office.  I did not know it then but that was the beginning of a transition into a fully remote one. Cut costs by 30% and fired 6 people out of 19 we've had. The cuts did not stop there. I was helping to restructure other companies for my clients who were struggling with the same market enviroment i did and i lost 10 kg of weight due to stress. Since then we've grown our revenues by 250%, our profits by 684% and our culture is stronger than ever (despite the fact that we work in 9 cities fully remotely). 

I believe that this speech might be useful for the audience for two reasons:

A. Employees (especially seniors and leaders with families) want to be remote more and more and they will pressure their employers for concessions on that.
B. Macro enviroment will force a lot of leaders to reorganise.

Startup / VC BizDev