How to boost innovation in teams and organizations? Business lessons from Isaac Newton, an old sandwich and… ducks


15:40 - 16:00, 22nd of May (Wednesday) 2024 / INSPIRE STAGE

Every business problem is a lack of ideas problem. It doesn’t matter whether you are trying to increase your profit, attract new talent or improve your product, all these challenges can be solved by generating as many creative ideas as possible, and then putting the best of them into practice (hopefully faster than you competition). Creativity and innovation are often perceived as a gift and something reserved for only some departments of the company – like marketing or design. This couldn’t be further from truth. In this presentation I will talk about how to unleash the full range of creative potential in yourself, your team and organization, how to make innovation an important source of growth and competitive advantage, and about a creative training method which in the 90s saved LEGO from bankruptcy and helped them to become one of the biggest love brands of all time. 

TL;DR 20 minutes on how your organization can become a new Apple, Dyson or Tesla by applying just few small tricks. 

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Janina Bąk

Janina Daily & Play in DNA