Flux - new/old approach to building frontend

16:00 - 16:30/ TECH STAGE

We all know that in Javascript world everything is changing at the speed of light with bunch of new libraries, frameworks, and build tools coming out almost every day. At first, I imagined React and Flux as another set of JS toys. However, after working quite a bit with React it turned out to be completely different than I initially thought. It is only a VIEW layer. As opposed to frameworks like AngularJS, it does not imply neither structure nor architecture of our code.

Nowadays applications become larger, more complicated and grow faster than ever. As a result, we need nicely decoupled, more maintainable codebase. This is where Flux comes in handy. It encourages one-way data binding, which simplifies reasoning about application flow a lot and removes spaghetti dependencies between components. So is MVC the easy approach and Flux the simple one?

During my talk I will show live-coded examples of React with Flux application. I will also demonstrate how to structure out codebase and connect all elements.