Connected Mindset

11:00 - 11:20, 23rd of May (Wednesday) 2018/ INSPIRE STAGE

We have been working in digital era where technology enables transformation  for enormous scale.


Transformation is not a one-time solution, but a constant state of adaptation that adjusts course to meet the needs of ever-changing consumer expectations.


There is no longer a question about whether organizations need to transform.

Companies, both big and small, understand that becoming digitally relevant is the only way to ensure growth and survival. 

The question many leaders ask is how?


Successful transformation require  from organization to  change the way  they  define, design and deliver work, what  essentially  is  the "new ways of working". One of   important element of this process  is connected  mindset.


Short key  notes on how Wipro consider  its journey to digital  world  adopting "new ways of working" and having human factor same important as technology itself.


Trends Inspire