Infoshare - Paweł Tkaczyk: Marketing in times of zero-click
Google can answer more and more questions on its own, so why would users come to your website? In September 2018, over 60% of mobile queries to Google ended up on Google's website (the so-called Zero-Click Query). How to design a shopping path in such an ecosystem?
Paweł Tkaczyk, as he himself claims, earns his living by telling stories. He builds strong brands - he works with Agora, Allegro Group and many smaller companies. He advises start-ups and other companies - as a mentor during Startup Weekend or Startup Fest.
During Infoshare 2019 Paweł performed on Marketing Stage with his speech "Marketing in the times of zero-click; putting all the eggs in one basket."
Google can answer more and more questions on its own, so why would users come to your website? In September 2018, over 60% of mobile queries to Google ended up on Google's website (the so-called Zero-Click Query). How to design a shopping path in such an ecosystem? Listen to the whole presentation and find out.
The speech took place on 9th May 2019 and is in Polish:
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