Speakers list agenda

What are technologies that can define future of coding? What to learn in 2018?

09:30 - 09:50, 23rd of May (Wednesday) 2018/ TECH STAGE

What are technologies that can define future of coding?

What programming languages are worth learning and why?

Review of top technologies and cutting-edge programming languages worth learning in 2018. (What are the trendiest, most powerful, new emerging language that are likely to play a bigger role within businesses in coming years? What new things are they bringing to the table? Analysis which one can grow in popularity and can be good time investment. Which one can help increase your career opportunities and accomplish your goals more effectively. I present some predictions of mine and rationale behind it. It's also a good starting point to open discussion.

This is rather technical presentation aimed particularly at development community. Predicting which languages will eventually rise in the charts is difficult one but who said we can't try!)

FutureTrends Softwaredevelopment

Tomasz Florczak
