Uberto Barbini
Independent Consultant
Get to know the basic rules to architect a system using functional programming principles for microservices with CQRS and Event Source without using any framework.
Uberto is a polyglot programmer and hands-on software architect with more than 20 years of experience designing and building successful software products in many industries. He is very passionate and opinionated about how to deliver value to the business not only once but at a regular pace. He is particularly interested in Functional Programming and Distributed Computing because they are both critical to modern software challenges.
When not coding, Uberto loves public speaking, writing and teaching programming. He's currently writing a book about Pragmatic Functional Kotlin. You can read his blog: https://medium.com/@ramtop
Past Presentations
Designing Microservices in Functional Style
10:25 - 11:05, 25th of September (Friday) 2020/ BACKEND STAGE