Speakers list agenda

Testing - Love, Hate, Love

11:30 - 12:10, 7th of October (Friday) 2022/ ADVANCED DEV BLUE

”TDD leads to a great design,” they said. 
“Mocking is bad,” they said. 
“Integration testing is slow,” they said. 
“Testable architecture to the rescue,” they said. 
“If you don’t test, don’t call yourself a developer,” they said. 
“Code coverage must be 100%,” they said. 

And so on and so forth.
In this talk, we’ll tackle some of the testing gotchas. There will be live coding, architecture rants, some slides and (hopefully) much fun. Both senior and junior developers should find something interesting in that testing example.”

Basic Advanced Expert
Software Architecture
ITarchitecture SoftwareEngineering Backend