Robbie Bouschery
Pirates Summit
Robbie Bouschery is the head of Fintech & IoT at Pirate Summit, one of Europe's craziest tech startup conferences. In this role he's the organizer of EXEC, an invite-only Fintech/Insurtech event and RIOT - an IoT and AI festival, both taking place in Berlin. He has a business and IT background and has previously worked as a Software Product Manager for Siemens.
When he's not traveling spreading the Pirate spirit, he enjoys playing squash, eating guacamole and drinking craft beer.
Past Presentations
Panel Insurtech - just a hype or here to stay
11:30 - 12:00, 18th of May (Thursday) 2017/
Connected Everything - Why IoT is just getting started
10:00 - 10:30, 18th of May (Thursday) 2017/ STARTUP STAGE