![Marsha Shenk](https://infoshare.pl/system/cache/img/5f623dd5a2603-1lvs24o09k28.jpg)
Marsha Shenk
The BestWork People
Learn how to quickly elevate collective intelligence with #DignityLooping. Take home a new metric: tracking just-in-time value.
She has bred BestWork environments with leaders from Fortune 100 to microbiz, facilitating profitable, sustainable products and processes. In 2019 she synthesized EcosystemiQ: ecosystems are comprised by exchanging; value exchanges are inescapable; our brains evolved to keep us focused on exchanging. Lovingly honed with forward-thinking businesspeople and multi-far-reaching disciplines, her practices vitalize collective intelligence. And track the results. Agility is the result: embracing learning, welcoming arising ecosystems - aka opportunity.
Marsha Shenk coined the term Business Anthropology in the 1990's, claiming that commerce, society, and the brain co-evolved. Her passion is de-obfuscating the forces that make 'work' ‘career’ and 'business' sources of stress, rather than enriching, collective care.
A popular speaker and beloved teacher/coach, Marsha continues to illuminate how to befriend the primary power of commerce: human exchanging is cultural/physiological. She wants everyone to enjoy more skillful exchange - anywhere, anytime. It’s our legacy.
Past Presentations
Agility begs for a leading indicator
16:55 - 17:35, 28th of September (Monday) 2020/ IT LEADERS STAGE