Speakers list Speaker

Maciej Stępa

Maciej Stępa

Expert who helps build businesses into sellable companies


I am the CEO of SprzedajFirme.com, a company that sells other companies and helps entrepreneurs build their businesses into sellable companies. I share insights on growing companies and selling them on Youtube channel: Sprzedaj Firme I started out as an investor and after earning millions I lost my inheritance on the stock exchange. Having to start from scratch I joined a corporation and for 4 years became a CFO of a daughter company, simultaneously investing in real estate. After leaving the corporation I co-founded a consulting company that helped its customers with accounting, legal and tax issues, which I sold after 6 years. After taking the longest vacation of my life in Thailand I co-founded my current business with one of my former partners, Paweł Korycki.

Past Presentations

Nie śpij, bo Cię kupią! Kupuj, bo prześpisz szansę!

15:30 - 15:50, 22nd of May (Wednesday) 2024/ GROWTH STAGE

BizDev FutureNow Trending Now

Sprzedaj mi swoją firmę... - polski biznes odkrywa M&A

10:00 - 10:20, 25th of May (Thursday) 2023/ ARENA STAGE

How buying and selling companies can make all our lives better

11:30 - 11:50, 6th of October (Thursday) 2022/ ARENA STAGE

Growth fastlane - your company can grow through acquisitions

11:50 - 12:10, 14th of October (Thursday) 2021/ ARENA STAGE

Startup VC BizDev

The secrets to a successful exit

16:40 - 16:55, 16th of September (Wednesday) 2020/ 4TH QUARTERFINAL

Startup Growth