Speakers list Speaker

Maciej Jedrzejewski

Maciej Jedrzejewski

Author of Mastering Strategic DDD and Evolutionary Architecture.

Fractional Architect

Author of Mastering Strategic Domain-Driven Design book (https://www.fractionalarchitect.io/book) and Evolutionary Architecture repository (https://github.com/evolutionary-architecture/evolutionary-architecture-by-example). Promoter of continuous deployment and holistic (and pragmatic!) approach to software architecture. Just another software dude living in Switzerland. Blogger: https://www.fractionalarchitect.io/ Vlogger: https://www.youtube.com/@learnsoftwarearchitecture


Upcoming Presentations

Strategic Domain-Driven Design: The Challenging Path

13:20 - 14:00, 23rd of May (Thursday) 2024/ DEV ARCHITECTURE STAGE

ITarchitecture SoftwareEngineering