Speakers list Speaker

Igor Mróz

Igor Mróz

Zero Bullshit Management (ZeroBS.pl)

I'm an experienced project manager and antifragility evangelist. I've worked for corporations, SMEs, startups and VC both in Poland and abroad. Currently leading a small consulting firm. It's name tells the whole story: Zero Bullshit Management.

I hate long bios. When I see an impressive list of awards, courses and certificates of some expert, I always think of all those crappy managers I've met and who also had them... 


Past Presentations

Why I regret becoming a project management consultant

16:05 - 16:35, 24th of September (Thursday) 2020/ DEVTRENDS STAGE


Four Biggest Management BS You will Find in Your LinkedIn Feed

16:00 - 16:30, 9th of May (Thursday) 2019/ DevTrends

Career DevTrends FullStack Tech