Branko Drobnak
Business Angels of Slovenia
BrankoDrobnak is a serial entrepreneur and angel investor, with a lifetim e of experience with setting up and managing companies. With a degree in Economics from the Faculty of Economics in Maribor and a post-graduate course in Macroeconomic Development from the International Institute of Social Studies inHaag, he began his career working for the Slovenian government. After, he joined one of the largest Slovenian trading companies, and in 1992 he went into the financial world on his own and created a brokerage and asset management company, Poteza. As such, he was very involved in privatization process and investment banking in Central Eastern Europe.
He is currently the president of Business Angels of Slovenia and is investing in his own portfolio of startups, all while being an active supporter of the startup eco system and a member of EBAN (European Business Angel Network). He invests primarily into new technology, biotech, fintech, green energy, and lately in blockchain startups,
together with taking a more visible role within the Slovenian blockchain community as such.
Past Presentations
Panel: Cross Border Investing in the CEE region-leveraging networks to make better investments
11:00 - 11:20, 23rd of May (Wednesday) 2018/ STARTUP STAGE