Bartek Pucek
Forward Operators
Bartek Pucek – CEO of Forward Operators. Author of pucek.com - a newsletter and community of at the intersection of business and tech. Angel Investor (ElevenLabs, Ramp Network, Vue Storefront, TechTree.dev). He completed executive education at Stanford Graduate School of Business in Strategic Management and Disruptive Strategy with Harvard Business School.
Past Presentations
Spotkanie społeczności z Bartkiem Puckiem
15:00 - 16:00, 24th of May (Wednesday) 2023/ WORKSHOPS
AI, AI kapitanie!
13:40 - 14:00, 24th of May (Wednesday) 2023/ INSPIRE STAGE
DYI firma technologiczna: jak zacząć, za co rozwijać, z kim podbijać świat?
Welcome, AI overlords!
10:40 - 11:00, 7th of October (Friday) 2022/ INSPIRE STAGE
Spotkanie społeczności z Bartkiem Puckiem
14:00 - 16:00, 6th of October (Thursday) 2022/ WORKSHOPS
Creators Economy - how creators influence the GDP of the web
10:50 - 11:10, 14th of October (Thursday) 2021/ INSPIRE STAGE