Agata Szczeszak
Lumekko Sp. z o.o.
Chemist by profession, for several years active as a researcher under the patronage of the Faculty of Chemistry of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan. Founder of Lumekko, a start-up producing luminous protectors for important documents and valuable products. She is passionate about nanotechnology and the use of nanomaterials in industry, especially in the field of anti-counterfeiting activities, but also in medicine - in radiotherapy, to fight cancer. Recently, she gained experience in raising funds for start-up development during her stay in Silicon Valley, USA. As a manager, she implements the Leader project funded by the National Centre for Research and Development. As CEO of Lumekko, she works with a team on the project "Unique luminescent nanosystems Lumekko Sp. z o.o. ", granted by the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.
Winner of the Shesnnovation Academy program of the Perspektywy Foundation and recently Businesswoman of the Year in the category Start-up of the Year, awarded by the Foundation, "Success written by lipstick" (Sukces Pisany Szminką).
In her everyday life she is a mother of an adolescent Frank, a life partner of Geologist and a carer of a doggy friend Golden Benek. Addicted to books and peanut butter.
Past Presentations
Woman in tech panel: Does tech have a gender? Being a woman in the digital world
14:50 - 15:20, 6th of October (Thursday) 2022/ ARENA STAGE