Speakers list agenda

10 reasons to use OSGi for your next cloud app [EN]

16:00 - 16:30, 12th of June (Friday) 2015/ TECH STAGE

You're looking for a productive development stack for your next cloud application? OSGi is the perfect candidate, and in this talk you will learn why.
To be productive as a developer we need many things: A fast developer experience from the IDE, libraries and frameworks to build RESTful web services, work with databases, handle security etc. And we need flexibility when it comes to deployments. OSGi combined with open source libraries and tools does it all. OSGi also gives the power to build truly modular applications. Modularity is the ultimate agile tool, because it helps to embrace change while keeping code bases clean long term. 
In this talk you will see some of the highlights of what makes OSGi such a great technology. You will also learn about the most important tools and libraries to boost your productivity.

Paul Bakker

Luminis Technologies