Why Tech Leaders Should Think Like Poker Players


14:50 - 15:10, 22nd of May (Wednesday) 2024 / GROWTH STAGE

In a landscape as dynamic and uncertain as the tech industry, where tomorrow's success stories are today's hidden gambles, the ability to make clear-headed, strategic decisions is not just an asset; it's a necessity. Imagine playing poker with the future of technology, where every move is a bet against the odds of failure and success. 

I will explore the shift from seeing decisions as black-and-white choices to viewing them through the prism of probabilities, where every decision is a play with potential outcomes based on the information at hand.

Let's step away from the predictable paths of chess, where all pieces and moves are visible, and venture into the nuanced world of poker. 
This approach sheds light on the challenges that tech leaders, investors, and innovators face. 

We often make decisions based on incomplete data, recognizing that, as in poker, not every win is purely due to skill, nor does every loss indicate failure.

Growth Leadership Startup / VC
Startup VC

Adam Bartkiewicz

Digital Ocean Ventures