Uber yourself or you will be Kodaked - Collaborative Economy ecosystem in Poland

17:30 - 18:00/ INSPIRE STAGE

Especially for all infoShare participants! Exclusively before it's official premiere Lukasz Zgiep will present some of the results of the first Collaborative Economy reseach in Poland.  They asked 32 very detail questions to 1517 Polish internet users about how and why they use collaborative economy services and what is their opinion about it. Results are very immpresive:

Did you know that 90.1% of interenet users in Poland heard about at least one kind of collaborative economy service, like: Uber, Bla Bla Car, Airbnb, Next Bike, Kickstarter, etc.? 

What’s more amazing 41.3% of them are already using those services! (in US it’s 52%). 

One of the funny fact is that Polish people we are more likely to give their child under the care of a stranger rather than borrow them their our own car! - how crazy is that? 

There is also a huge group of Polish CE startups like for eg. and many many others.

So if you want to know more about:

Collaborative Economy ecosystem in Poland,

What are the biggest advantages and disadvantages of Collaborative Economy,

Opportunities and threats of Collaborative Economy,

You must see this speech! 

Lukas S. Zgiep

COO of Beesfund