Strategic Domain-Driven Design: The Challenging Path


13:20 - 14:00, 23rd of May (Thursday) 2024 / DEV ARCHITECTURE STAGE

In the realm of strategic Domain-Driven Design (DDD), we often find ourselves navigating complex domains, identifying subdomains, establishing bounded contexts, and mapping interrelationships.

However, real-world scenarios present unique challenges. One common issue is recognising when a subdomain evolves into a substantial business domain of its own or we discover that it is another domain from the beginning. This raises critical questions: Should we develop a separate system for this one? How should we approach this from a business perspective and plan accordingly?

Another challenge lies in team organisation. With multiple teams at play, how should they be divided? Should the division be based on subdomains, bounded contexts, or another criterion?

Moreover, predicting which subdomain might transition from a core to a supporting role, or vice versa, adds another layer of complexity.

There are also instances where implementing e.g. an anti-corruption layer may not be feasible due to unforeseen obstacles.

In my talk, I will share my personal experiences with these scenarios, offering practical insights and strategies to navigate these complex situations in DDD. My aim is to provide attendees with actionable knowledge.

Basic Advanced Expert
Software Architecture
ITarchitecture SoftwareEngineering

Maciej Jedrzejewski

Fractional Architect