Panel: AI in Poland and Poles in AI - our chances and what we are doing

11:40 - 12:20, 23rd of May (Wednesday) 2018/ INSPIRE STAGE

We would discuss what is happening in Poland in AI from business and public policy point of view, where we are and what we do in public and private sectors, what are our chances in globalized AI economy in which i.a. US, France, UK, China already have National AI Strategy.

Second part of the discussion would be about Poles in AI, what they are doing, how we see our chances and what is or could be our place in globalized AI marketplace.

Panel moderator: Piotr Mieczkowski.

Vladimir Alekseichenko, BiznesMyś

Karol Majek

NASK, Tappest, Deep Drive

Marek Cygan

MIM UW, NoMagic .AI

Piotr Mieczkowski

Digital Poland Foundation

Piotr Pietrzak

IBM Polska