Growth Culture at AirHelp: Breaking down doors, Climbing down Chimneys, and starting fires to find Growth.

15:35 - 15:55, 9th of May (Thursday) 2019

Johnny will present an overview of how AirHelp built a culture of growth which enables them to grow  200% YoY, based on his experience scaling small and corporate sized tech companies across multiple countries. Johnny will share details on how to build a growth culture, “how-to” user experiments, and tactical concepts that teams can reuse.
As for practical advice, he will explain the unique culture of thoughtful experimentation that AirHelp has instilled in every team, and why this is essential to growth. Johnny will share in-depth examples relevant to making better strategic decisions as well as day-to-day best practice, which will illustrate the importance of thoughtful experimentation to become a market leader.

Startup Growth

Johnny Quach
