Case study from asperIT. How can you train people with Asperger Syndrome to be high level specialists in IT?

12:00 - 12:20, 15th of October (Friday) 2021/ ARENA STAGE

In asperIT, our goal is to show people from the IT world how amazing people with Asperger Syndrome can be. In our foundation, we transform people from the autism spectrum into above-average specialists. People, who are somewhat lost and not always have an idea for their future, become very good IT specialists, sometimes even better than typical people.
The result of our work is now also going beyond the foundation - we established the company, where we hire specialists educated by ourselves and carry out with them demanding projects in software testing.
As a founder and originator, I would like to tell you why it is worth employing autistic people, how to do it, where to look for support and what benefits it will bring for everyone. I will show you examples of what it looks like in the world, and how we do it in Poland, both for our internal needs related to the employment of autistic people as well as for large international corporations (e.g. in EY, for which we build recruitment processes and we helped hiring autistic people to their Cybersecurity Department).
The result of my lecture is to show how we - people from the IT industry - can help each other and turn it into success, both social and business.

ITmanagement BizDev SDG