A tale of long-living feature branches and why to avoid them

11:10 - 11:50, 24th of May (Wednesday) 2023/ DEV ARCHITECTURE STAGE

Once upon a time, in December 2022, two talented developers, named Grzegorz K. and
John D., met after a daily meeting with their team. They were tasked with developing a new
feature. Little did they know, the decision they made that day would change their lives for the
next two months.
The project was going well in the beginning. Grzegorz and John were working hard, coding
using TDD, and making progress every day. But as time passed, the complexity of their code
grew, and the number of dependencies increased. They started to feel the weight of their
decision, and soon, the project turned into a nightmare.
Git merge conflicts became a constant occurrence, causing frustration and delays. The
pressure of the project was starting to take its toll on them.
Then, the feature was finally ready to be deployed, but it took two weeks. The once-exciting project had
turned into a hellish experience for the two developers and any other individual who was
dependent on the incoming changes.

... but you can learn from their mistake and don't follow this path. At the presentation, you will
learn how bad it is to create long-living branches and how to work with frequent small
releases that don't break anything and what's most important fun to code :)

Basic Advanced Expert
Programming Software Architecture
Agile SoftwareEngineering

Grzegorz Kocjan