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Bram Kanstein

Bram Kanstein

Off The Record & Startup Stash

Bram Kanstein is an Amsterdam-based entrepreneur and co-founder of Off The Record (weareofftherecord.com), a growth strategy agency for startups. Before working for Product Hunt (producthunt.com), where he was the European community manager, Bram built and launched Startup Stash (startupstash.com), “A curated directory of 400 resources and tools to help you build your Startup”. The site went viral through Product Hunt and got 230.000 pageviews in 48hrs. 

Til date Startup Stash has helped 300.000+ entrepreneurs for around the world. It is currently the #1 most upvoted product of all-time on Product Hunt was named as one of the 100 Best Websites For Entrepreneurs in 2015 by Forbes Magazine.

Past Presentations

How I launched the #1 most upvoted product of all time on Product Hunt

10:30 - 11:00, 19th of May (Thursday) 2016/ STARTUP STAGE