Speakers list Speaker

Patrick Stapfer

Patrick Stapfer

JavaScript Software Engineer

Patrick Stapfer is a JavaScript Software Engineer and freelancer from Vienna, who is mostly known for his contributions to the Flow ecosystem and his past work at Runtastic, where he spent most of his time working on the Mobile News Feed feature which was built in React-Native. Most of his Open Source time is dedicated to Facebook’s Flow and ReasonML platform to improve JavaScript code quality and to talk about related technologies.

Speakerdeck: https://speakerdeck.com/ryyppy
Github: https://github.com/ryyppy
Blog: https://medium.com/@ryyppy
Videos: Talk-Playlist
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Past Presentations

Static Types and React - How to Maintain Higher Quality Code with Flow

11:15 - 12:15, 18th of May (Thursday) 2017/ TECH PLUS STAGE
for Standard Passes+ only